What is Navamsa Chart (D9 Chart )? Find Out What it Predicts!

There are 2 most important charts in Vedic astrology, the birth chart (natal chart or d1 chart) and the d9 chart ( Navamsa chart). People usually tend to get confused between the two, but both these charts are different from each other. In this guide, we will be taking you through many interesting insights about the navamsa chart (d9 chart), how it is different from the birth chart, d9 chart analysis, and much more. Dive more! 

What is the Navamsa Chart (d9 Chart)? 

There are a total of 12 zodiac signs. When each sign is divided into 9 equal parts, those 9 parts together make the d9 chart. It has a similar concept to the d10 chart (dasamsa chart) where every zodiac sign is divided into 10 equal parts, and all those 10 parts together make the dasamsa chart. To put it simply, a d9 chart is a divisional chart of every zodiac sign. 

What is the Difference Between the d1 Chart and the d9 Chart? 

D1 is the natal chart that’s more popularly known as the birth chart. This chart contains all the 12 Houses, 12 Zodiac signs, and 9 planets. Which means, it gives a 360° view of a person’s life. 

D9 chart, on the other hand, is a deeper analysis of 1 zodiac sign in the birth chart. This means it’s a division of a zodiac sign into 9 equal parts. It’s just an elaboration of 1 part (1 zodiac sign) out of all the 12 parts that a birth chart is made of. 

Bear in mind, d9 chart navamsa comes second to a birth chart in Vedic astrology and is mostly used to analyze marriage, the strength of the planets, and the destiny of the native. 

5 Points that Matter in Navamsa Chart (D9 Chart )Analysis 

A D9 chart has to be read in tandem with the D1 chart to make predictions about the future of a person. 

Finding out the Ascendant (Bhaav) 

This one is very simple to understand. Your zodiac sign according to your birth chart is your first Bhaav (Ascendant/Lagna). 

If you’re an Aries, your first Bhaav is Aries and your second Bhaav will be Taurus. Similarly, if you’re a Taurus, your first Bhaav is Taurus and your second Bhaav is Gemini. It continues for all the 12 zodiac signs, the order remains the same (from Aries to Pisces). 

Understanding the Concept Behind Lagna Lord 

Your Lagna Lord is the ruling planet of your zodiac sign. For example, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Which means if you’re an Aries, Mars is your Lagna lord. This principle is used to find out which planets are your specific enemies. The planet(s) that are enemies of Mars (for Aries Ascendants) are your enemies. Mercury is the enemy planet of Mars. Hence, the strength of Mercury in a comparison with Mars will have a lot of effect on your life, especially, your married life and finances. 

Understanding Trine houses in Navamsa 

The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses are the Trine houses. Which means, the planets placed in the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses in your Navamsa chart (d9 chart) will define your interest and hobbies. Let’s explore all the 9 planets. 

  • Sun – If the Sun is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will take a lot of interest in playing music. 
  • Moon – If the Moon is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will have a very beautiful voice. 
  • Mercury – If mercury is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be blessed with excellent communication skills. 
  • Mars – If Mars is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be brave and headstrong, but short-tempered at the same time. 
  • Saturn – If Saturn is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be very disciplined. 
  • Rahu – If Rahu is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be very spiritual. 
  • Venus – If Venus is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be materialistic, attractive, and artistic. 
  • Jupiter – If Jupiter is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be very wise and knowledgeable. 
  • Ketu – If Ketu is in any of the Trine houses, it means the native will be spiritually enlightened. 
  • Understanding the 7th House in d9 chart

    The 7th house is the house of marriage. Hence, the planets present in the 7th house in the Navamsa will have a major impact on a marriage. 

  • A malefic planet like Saturn in the 7th house in your d9 chart means you might get married after 32 years of age since Saturn gives late marriage. It could also mean that you will get married to a person who’ll be much older than you. 
  • Moon in this house means you and your spouse will share great sexual chemistry. 
  • Do not fear if the 7th house is empty in your d9 chart. It doesn’t mean you won’t have a happy married life. When empty, it means neutral. 

    In cases where the 7th house is empty, the Lord of the 7th house in the d9 chart is sitting somewhere else. So, the position of the 7th lord and its relations with the planet(s) it is sitting with will predict everything about your married life. 

    Understanding the Strength of Planets 

    A planet that has the same zodiac sign in the d1 chart and the d9 chart is known as the Vargottam planet in Vedic astrology. It is divided into 3 categories that determine the strength of the Vargottam planet.

  • Uccha Vargottam – The planet becomes extremely powerful when it is exalted in both d1 and d9 charts. 
  • Neecha Vargottam – The planet becomes weak and helpless when debilitated in both d1 and d9 charts.
  • Uccha-Neecha and Neecha-Uccha – In the former, the planet is exalted in d1 and debilitated in d9, and in the latter, the planet is debilitated in d1 and exalted in d9. In this Vargottam, the planet is neutral. 
  • What is the Importance of the Navamsa Chart (d9 Chart)?

    The analysis we have done above should have given you a basic idea about how to read the d9 chart. The importance of having it read or reading it is as follows. 

  • It can predict what career will be best for the native. 
  • It can predict whether or not the native will have a happy married life.
  • It can predict which planets are strong and which ones need remedying to remove obstacles from life.
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